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MC Apartamentos'}; = {'ct-name':'Insert your name','ct-email':'Insert your e-mail address','ct-comments':'Your comments...','ct-captcha':'Captcha'}; globals.cookies = {'btn-panel':'Cookies Panel'}; globals.common = {'reservas':'Bookings','oferta':'Deal','bonos':'Voucher','cookies':'Cookies policy','politicarrss':'Privacy policy','disenyo-neo':'Web design and booking engine','modal-title':'Advantages of booking with us','weboficial':'Official website','all':'All','btn-label-view':'See','personal-data':'Personal information','labelname':'Name and surname','labelmail':'E-mail address','enviar':'Send','labelmessage':'Your message...','servicios':'Services','descubre-donde-estamos':'Check our location','tipo-habitacion':'Types of bedrooms','caracteristicas':'Features','slider-caption':'MC Apartamentos Ibiza','caption-footer':'Discover our accommodations','section-hoteles-home-title':'Hotels, apartments and destinations. MC Apartamentos','section-hoteles-home-subtitle':'Choose your ideal accommodation','section-hoteles-home-desc':'At MC Apartamentos we have the right accommodation for you, regardless of your type of trip and of stay. Find our accommodations in the Balearic Islands.','section-galeria-home-title':'Gallery','section-ofertas-home-title':'MC Apartamentos Ibiza deals','relateds-hotels':'Related hotels','relateds-offers':'Related deals','establecimiento':'Our premises','aviso-legal':'Legal notice','politica-de-cookies':'Cookies policy','url-booking-engine-offers':'','url-booking-engine':'','url-booking-engine-hotel':'','url-booking-engine-hotel-room':'','url-secure-engine':'$kwKrBjlOPMvY2h8Tg','form-url-booking-engine-hotel':'','form-url-booking-engine-search':'','loading-search-availability-title':'Checking availability...','loading-search-availability-desc':'¡Best rate guaranteed!
Booking on our official website','contactchecktext':'Al Please tag this checkbox if you accept our privacy policy.','telefono':'0034 971 30 46 09','newschecktext':'Accept the data protection policy.','contacto':'Contact','siguenos':'Follow us','reserva-segura':'100% safe reservation','contact-label-footer':'In case you have not found what you were looking for, you may contact us via','company-name':'MC Apartamentos','location':'Ibiza, Islas Baleares','phone_link':'0034 971 30 46 09','phone_text':'+34 971 30 46 09','mail':'','direccion':'Avda. Pedro Matutes Noguera nº 48','direccion2':'Playa d'en Bossa (Ibiza)','whatsapp_link':'','saber-mas':'Discover more','leermas':'Read more','reservar':'Book','reservar-oferta':'Book deal','info-hotel':'Tourist apartments in Es Vivé, Ibiza, only 200 metres from the beach','info-apartamentos':'Ibiza ','info-apartamentos-lugar':'Playa d'en Bossa ','text-apartamentos':'The offer of tourist apartments in Playa d'en Bossa we bring to you has many things in common: they are tranquil, airy, spacious and sunny apartments with the best equipment: air conditioning, household goods -including kitchenware-, a fridge, a complete bathroom, and a safe deposit box, among others. Moreover, we offer our guests a wide range of services, such as daily cleaning, and WIFI. Also, in our reception, you may use our courtesy shower room on departure in case your flight leaves later than our check out deadline, as well as ask for our luggage storage service. Apart from providing you with the most accurate information, our reception staff will be delighted to help you purchase tickets for tours and clubs, as well as rent a motorbike or a car. Our goal is to make your stay as comfortable and as memorable as possible!','title-apartamentos':'Comfortable and quiet apartments in Playa d'en Bossa, with all modern conveniences.','subtitle-apartamentos':'Choose the best apartment for you ','copyright':'2019 MC Apartments'};; globals.arrival = '11/03/2025'; globals.departure = '12/03/2025'; var errorchecked = 'You should accept that you confirm having read and accepted our data protection policy'; var errorcontact = '[error:contact-checkbox, ]'; var errorcaptcha = 'Incorrect captcha code'; var refreshText = '[contact:refresh, ]'; var popup_offer = "false"; var currentSlideThumb = "";